Los Angeles Unified School District, Los Angeles, CA — Visual Art Teacher

January 2005-present

Art Instruction for grades K-6

Create LA, Los Angeles, CA— Co-Founder, Education Director

August 2012-May 2015

Visual art instruction in a non-profit program dedicated to providing art education for youth ages 10-18

Optimist High School, Los Angeles, CA— Teacher

August 2000-February 2004

American Literature, Theater for grades 8-12

The Collegiate School, Richmond, VA— Designer/Instructor

September 1993-May 1998

Freelance design and technical theater instruction for grades 9-12

Faux Real, Richmond, VA— Owner/Operator

September 1993-June 1999

Decorative painting company


Azusa Pacific University, Azusa, CA — Master of Arts in Teaching


Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA— Bachelor of Fine Art




2017: Postal-Collage Project NO. 6 Exhibition

The Shuman Block, Berkeley, CA

Ramon’s Tailor, San Francisco, CA

2016: Birds of Los Angeles, Solo Show

Keystone Art Space, Los Angeles, CA

2016: In the Studio IV: CAEA Art Teacher Exhibition

Mission Viejo Library, CA

2016: Postal-Collage Project NO. 5 Exhibition

The Shuman Block, Berkeley, CA

Ramon’s Tailor, San Francisco, CA

2015: 50 50 50, CAEA Members Exhibition

Sheraton Hotel, Sacramento, CA

2014: Collosemblage

Keystone Art Space, Los Angeles, CA

2012: Depth Perception Exhibition

Keystone Art Space, Los Angeles, CA

2010: Open/Closed Exhibition

Keystone Art Space, Los Angeles, CA

2oo6: Bird Flew Exhibition

Tribes Gallery, New York, NY



  • 2017-Conference presenter, ASCD, Anaheim, CA

  • 2017-Conference presenter, NAEA, New York, NY

  • 2016-Art of Elysium, Los Angeles, CA

  • 2016-Conference presenter, CAEA, Palm Desert, CA

  • 2016-Think, Sync & Drink Presenter, MOCA, Los Angeles

  • 2015-Evenings for Educators, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Los Angeles, CA

  • 2105-Cal State Northridge SmArt Day, Northridge, CA

  • 2015-Conference Presenter, CAEA, Sacramento, CA

  • 2013-Gang Reduction Youth Development Program, Los Angeles, CA

  • 2012-Visual Art Center, Richmond, VA


CA Multiple Subjects

CA Single Subject, Art




2016-2017- Innovation Fellow, a national effort to develop a framework for effective practices that promote creative and innovation thinking, Innovation Collaborative


2015-CAEA Curriculum Committee Project, developed interdisciplinary lessons incorporating National Core Art Standards with CCSS and NextGen CA Standards, CAEA


2011-2012- Creativity Lab-action research project, Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, CA


2005-2007-Arts Education Branch Action Research/Curriculum Committee-designed the visual art instructional guide/curriculum used by elementary visual art teachers, LAUSD



2016 CAEA Douc Langur Award